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Leading and advocating for a strong family violence system in Central Highlands Victoria.

our structure

what work do we do?

Specialist family violence services in Victoria work with women and their children to enhance safety and wellbeing and to reduce the impact of family violence on their lives. Family violence agencies provide support to women and children who:

  • Are at risk of being unsafe due to family violence
  • Are experiencing an immediate crisis due to family violence
  • Are recovering from the impact of family violence

The CHIFVC with the assistance of the Principal Strategic Advisor (PSA) works to:

  • Maintain Regional Integration of Services and Agencies
  • Plan strategically
  • Assist partnership growth through regional Family Violence Prevention Networks (FVPN)
  • Provide opportunities to further develop the integration within the State-wide Family Violence Framework
  • Maintain best practice and understanding of the complex needs for clients responding to Family Violence across the Central Highlands region
  • Raise awareness of the complexities of Family Violence within the Community through training forums, professional development initiatives and community events

how do we operate?

We think that the best work is done collaboratively so we act as one group, accountable to each other with complementary strengths. This structure helps the CHIFVC to address a common agenda and discover new and better ways of doing things.

The Committee operates with an Executive Team and three Working Groups.

  • The Executive (Chair, and two Deputy Chairs): functions as a Governance Working Group
  • Information & System Intelligence Working Group: drives the reform agenda, maps service systems, and identifies and resolves system gaps
  • Practice Change & Innovation Working Group: drives best and innovative practice across family violence and relevant sectors
  • Community Engagement Working Group: drives positive changes in community attitudes and communications


The PSA works across the Executive and each of the Working Groups to ensure alignment between governance and strategic activities

We acknowledge that we are positioned as leaders of the family violence social system and can uniquely provide expertise inside and outside the system to influence change. Our approach is action based through ‘targeted curiosity’ to understand key issues and act on current information.
Central Highlands Integrated Family Violence Committee Strategic Plan 2020-2023