Need support now? Call The Orange Door 1800 219 819 (office hours) or Safe Steps on 1800 015 188 (24 hours) In an emergency call 000
The Orange Door in Central Highlands is a free service for adults, children and young people across the region who are experiencing or have experienced family violence and families who need extra support with the care, wellbeing and development of children (incorporating ChildFIRST).
Go to to find out more or call 1800 219 819, 9am-5pm Monday to Friday (closed public holidays)
21 Armstrong Street North, Ballarat 3350
Free sexual assault, domestic and family violence counselling, and counselling for workers:
call 1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732)
Safe Steps Family Violence Response Centre provides specialist support services for anyone in Victoria who is experiencing or afraid of family violence, including referral to safe accommodation 24/7.
Go to to find out more or call 1800 015 188 (toll free, 24/7)
Police and hospital staff call: 03 9322 3544 or 1300 739 282 (select option 1)
The Orange Door in Central Highlands Ph: 1800 219 819
Family violence risk assessment and intake
Safe Steps Ph: 1800 015 188 (24/7)
Statewide family violence crisis response
Grampians Community Health Ph: 5358 7400 (Ararat)
Family violence case management
Berry Street Ph: 5331 3558 (24/7)
Family violence specialist crisis response & support service, women who use force
WRISC Ph: 1300 134 130
Family violence specialist support services including for ATSI families
SalvoConnect Women’s Service Ph: 5329 1100
Support and accommodation
WIRE Women’s Information Referral Exchange Ph: 1800 184 527
State-wide information service
Opening Doors Ph: 1800 825 955 (24/7)
State-wide homelessness service
Uniting Ballarat Ph: 5332 1286 (Ballarat)
Ph: 1800 692 237 (Ararat, Ballarat, Daylesford & Bacchus Marsh)
Ballarat Community Health Ph: 5338 4500
Family violence counselling
CAFs Ph: 1800 629 237
Counselling programs
Grampians Community Health Ph: 5358 7400 (Ararat)
Family violence counselling
24/7 Crisis: 1800 806 292 Ballarat: 5320 3933
Counselling and support to anyone who has experienced sexual violence
Lifeline Ph: 131114
(24/7) National telephone crisis support and referral, including for family violence
Catholic Care, Victims Assistance Program Ph: 1300 033 818
Counselling and family relationship services
Relationships Australia Ph: 5337 9222
(Ballarat) Counselling and family dispute resolution
1800 RESPECT Ph: 1800 737 732
Free sexual assault, domestic and family violence counselling, & counselling for workers
The Orange Door in Central Highlands Ph: 1800 219 819
ChildFIRST intake
Cafs Step-Up Ph 1800 592 237
Adolescent Family Violence for ages 10-17
Ararat: 5352 2910
Ballarat: 5337 3333
Daylesford: 5348 8200
Berry Street Ph: 5330 5000
Case management and adolescent support program, residential care
WRISC Ph: 5333 3666
Children’s counselling program
Mental health services for 12-25 year olds
Ballarat: (03) 5304 4777
24/7: 1800 650 890
Kids Helpline Ph: 1800 551 800 (24/7)
Phone counselling service for young people aged between 5 and 25
Centre Against Sexual Assault
Counselling and support; treatment services for sexually abusive or problematic sexualised behaviours in children / young people
24/7 Crisis: 1800 806 292
Ballarat: 5320 3933
CAFs Ph: 1800 692 237
Men and family relationships, men’s behaviour change
Relationships Australia Ballarat Ph: 5337 9222
Men’s behaviour change and counselling
Grampians Community Health Ph: 5358 7400 (Ararat)
Men’s behaviour change programs
Men’s Referral Service Ph: 1800 065 973
Confidential telephone service for men
MensLine Australia Ph: 1300 766 491
24/7 telephone/ online support service
Women’s Legal Service Victoria Ph: 8622 0600, 1800 133 302 (Toll Free)
Free legal advice for eligible women
Ballarat & Grampians Community Legal Service Ph: 5331 5999
Free legal advice for Central Highlands and Wimmera regions
Victoria Legal Aid (VLA) Ph: 1800 466 488 (Ballarat)
Free legal services for eligible clients
Djirra Ph: 1800 105 303
Aboriginal family violence law service
Catholicare Victims Assistance Program Ph: 1300 033 818
Criminal justice information, advocacy and support
Ararat: 7003 4110
Bacchus Marsh: 7003 4111
Ballarat: 7003 4113
Safe Steps Disability and Family Violence Crisis Initiative
Ph: 1800 015 188 (24/7)
Women with Disabilities Victoria
Ph: 9286 7800
Grampians DisAbility Advocacy Ph: 1800 552 272
Ararat, Ballarat & Daylesford
Switchboard/Rainbow Door Ph: 1800 729 367
Queerspace (Melbourne) Ph: 9663 6733
safe steps Ph: 1800 015 188 (24/7)
Including for emergency accommodation
QLife Counselling Ph: 1800 184 527
Information and referrals for the LGBTI community, 3pm to midnight
Thorne Harbour Health Ph: 1800 134 840
Counselling services to LGBTI communities, family violence support, men’s behaviour change for gay, bisexual or queer men (including cis or trans men)
Centre Against Sexual Assault Ph: 1800 806 292
Sexual assault counselling and support
Victorian Police Gay and Lesbian Liaison Officers (GLLOs)
Ph: 03 9247 6944
InTouch Multicultural Centre Against Family Violence Support
Ph: 1800 755 988
For women in their own language
Ballarat Community Health Settlement Services Ph: (03) 5338 4500
Ballarat Regional Multicultural Council Ph: 5383 0613
Centre for Multicultural Youth (CMY) Ph: 0448 623 006 (Ballarat)
What actions can I take?